
UC Berkeley D-Lab workshops for which I was the primary curriculum developer and instructor (2014-2021).


Courses for which I was a primary curriculum developer and instructor.

  • ESPM 88a: Exploring Geospatial Data
    Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017
    As a lecturer in the new and rapidly evolving UC Berkeley Data Science Education Program, I led the development and teaching of a Python-based introductory data science course on geospatial data, analysis and mapping, one of the first of its kind in the nation.
  • An introduction to geographic data, visualization, and analysis with Python for Urban Planners
    UC Berkeley Data for Housing Summer Training Program, 2020
    For this week long short course that introduced planners to working with spatial data in Python, I led the development of and taught most of the Python notebooks involving geospatial data, mapping and spatial analysis.
  • Maps for Humanists: an introduction to geographic data, visualization, and analysis
    UC Berkeley Digital Humanities Summer Institute, 2016 & 2017
    A week long short course developed and delivered with UC Berkeley GIS and Map Librarian Susan Powell that covered the basics of working with geospatial data and tools in digital humanities projects.

Other UC Berkeley Courses I have taught

  • Spring 2012 Co-Lecturer, Introduction to GIS and City Planning (CP2014c).
  • Spring 2010 Lecturer, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (ESPM 72).
  • Spring 2005 Lecturer, Quantitative Methods in Environmental Planning (LA221).